12 Tips for a Relaxing Christmas

Relaxing Christmas feet up

12 Tips for a Relaxing Christmas is designed to look after your mental health and focus on what is important to you. Christmas is the festive time of year for peace, joy, and love. But it is also a time when some struggle with their mental health: Relationship issues, loneliness, financial difficulties, social anxiety, the … Read more

An Easy Guide to Mindful Walking

Mindful walk pathway

An easy guide to mindful walking has all your need to know to start your mindful walking practice.

Why is mindful walking so beneficial?

Mindful walking leaves you feeling grounded, more focused and in control of your thoughts and feelings and for the able bodied it could easily be apart of your your daily routine.

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Solution Focused Hypnotherapy – What to expect

What to expect from Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Quite often people ask me what to expect from solution focused hypnotherapy. They question ‘how does it work?’ or ‘how will I know if it has worked?’.  For you to know what to expect from solution focused hypnotherapy here is an overview. Focused Hypnotherapy is a mixed approach of positive psychotherapy coupled with hypnosis. This … Read more

Help to Improve Sleep!

Help I Cant Sleep

Two thirds of adults in the UK suffer with poor disruptive sleep. ‘I need help to improve my sleep!’ is a common phrase in my clinic. My response is always; ‘Mother nature blessed human beings with this superpower every night, it is amazing’. Yes, I call it a superpower because sleep doesn’t get the reputation it deserves. Let us explore why and how you strengthen your relationship with sleep.

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Do you need a Social Media Detox?

social media

Do you need a social media detox? Social media is currently a hot topic because of its impact on mental health. While the negative effects that social media have on our thoughts and behaviours are real and true, so can be the positives. I believe that being aware of this paradox we can consciously take ownership of our social media usage and use it to our advantage. Therefore, social media can be your servant and not your master!

It’s very hard to ignore that as 21st century humans most of us own mobile phones and other

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Do You Smell Good?

smell good

Do you smell good? You might be thinking that this is a rather personal question and of course, you are absolutely right. But, I’m not talking about how your body smells, what I actually mean is do you smell aromas and scents that will benefit the way you think and feel.

I’m going to explain what effect smell has on memory, how it affects our nervous system and how we can utilise this wonderful and sometimes overlooked sense to advance our wellbeing.

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Mental Health Awareness 2022 – Loneliness

Mental Health Awareness 2022

It’s Mental Health Awareness week for 2022 and this years topic is loneliness. You don’t have to be physically alone to experience the heavy weight loneliness can create in the mind. You can be surrounded by many other people in a city train station or walking through a crowded town and still feel lonely.

I’m an introvert. I can easily spend hours or even days by myself but, at some point I need interaction with other human beings. Positive, fulfilled purpose and interaction within our tribe is a human given. We are better as a tribe rather than individually on our own and our inbuilt reward system (the release of feel-good hormones, specifically serotonin and oxytocin) is released when we interact positively with others. When we are lonely, we feel disconnected and we lack the social interactions we so desperately need to feel fulfilled as human beings.

The lack of quality connection within our day-to-day life, can create a sense of disconnect which creates an empty feeling of loneliness

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OCD and Me – What is OCD?

In my last blog, I share my personal story of what living with OCD is like and how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helped turn my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder into Optimistic, Courageous and Daring! But just what is OCD? OCD comes in 2 specific parts, obsessions that cause anxiety and compulsions which drive temporary relief. The obsessions … Read more

OCD and Me – Personal Story of Recovery


I have OCD …. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder…. there I said it.

It’s taken me a good 30 years to realise, come to terms with and accept that OCD is an integral part of me and probably always will be.

In April 2019 I made a bold decision that my OCD was something I needed to strategically work on and change. I realised that OCD was the prison wall I had built around me that stopped me from living my life, I mean, really living my life.

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How to Support Someone with Anxiety or Depression

support someone

This blog will help you to understand how to support someone with anxiety or depression, and to help you feel useful. 1 in 4 of us will suffer with stress and anxiety in any given year, a scary fact when you look around your friends and family and wonder which one of them is the 1 in 4 if it’s not you!

Here at Inspired to Change we often get asked by people how they can best support their partners, children, family, or friends.

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